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    International Exchange Activating Project

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    • International Exchange Activating Project

    International Exchange Activating Project based on Korean Education

    International Exchange Activating Project based on Korean Education graph
    6-1 Building International Infrastructure
    The Incheon International Exchange Steering Group
    • To increase the synergy effect of international exchange
    • To promote Incheon as an educational city with cooperation betweenrelated organizations
    I love Incheon
    • To improve understanding of Incheon among overseas students andteachers by participating in international exchanges
    • To improve understanding and enhance ability to introduce Incheon bydomestic students and teachers through participation in internationalexchanges
    The International Exchange Online Platform
    • To provide international exchange platform for domestic and overseasinternational exchange participants
    6-2 Project [From Incheon toward World]
    Incheon Grand Edu-tour
    • (Part 1) Personality Education, Global citizenship (Student self-govemment/Volunteer Edu-tour / Culture.Art·P.E. Edu-tour)
    • (Part 2) Career experiences in global setting(Career experience Edu-tour)
    • (Part 3) International scholarship' Culture exchange(Digital·Science·Ecology Edu-tour, History·Peace·Edu-tour)
    International Exchange
    • To spread Hallyu(Korean Wave) in education through expandinginternational exchanges with foreign schools that teach Korean
    IFTC Overseas Volunteers Program
    • To provide international exchange programs for bilingual students reflectiveof environmental regions
    • To support student-Ied intemational volunteer clubs
    Central Asia-Incheon Education Silk Road Project
    • To promote of Korean language education and Hallyu(Korean Wave) cultureby initiating exchanges between Incheon and Central Asian youth
    • To utilize overseas educational facilities at local universities
    Incheon, Korean Culture & Education Festival in Thailand/Vietnam/Uzbekistan
    • To attract overseas students through collaboration with universities in Incheon
    • To Motivate local Korean language learners to learn Korean and providing opportunities to visit Korea
    6-3 Project [From World toward Incheon]
    I-Career Program
    • To match Incheon specialized vocational high schools with overseas schools interested in Korean vocational education
    Youth International Peace Camp
    • To hold a forum for international and domestic students in order to develop practical solutions for a sustainable future
    Global Youth Peaceful Walk by the Borderland
    • To spread domestic and foreign youth's awareness of peaceful unification by walking along bordered areas
    Workshop for overseas Korean Language Education
    • To invite officials from local administrative agencies and educationalinstitutions related to the three Korean Educational Centers(Thailand/Vietnam/Uzbekistan)
    6-4 Sharing achievements
    International Exchange Festival
    • To share best practices through international exchange programs based on Korean Education
    • To share results from one year of international exchange activities, including sharing of best practices, videos, photo exhibitions, student presentations, etc.
    Committee for the Evaluation of International Exchange
    • To find ways to improve international exchange programs through efficient and objective criteria
    • To establish sustainable international exchange programs through the use of evaluation results