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    Empowering International Education

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    Empowering International Education

    Empowering International Education graph
    4-1 Forign Language Training for Elementary and Middle School Teachers
    2024 Elementary and Secondary Short-term English Immersion Training
    • Contents of the program
      • Courses to improve English communication and teaching skills
      • Development of Incheon-oriented English teaching materials and design of Englishcurriculum using local resources, etc.
    4-2 English Teacher Enrichment Training
    English Teacher Enrichment Training
    • Contents of programs
      • Courses to improve English communication and teaching skills
      • TESOL courses
    • To observe loæl school classes and educational practice courses
    • To operate Incheon-oriented global citizenship education, Advancededutech-based English education, Curriculum related to reading-basedconvergence education
    4-3 Multilingualism Empowerment Training for Teachers
    Multilingual Competency Training for Teachers and Principals
    • Global languages and culture training
    • Languages : English/Chinese/Japanese/RussianN/Vietnamese/Thai
    • Approximately 15 classes
    4-4 International Education Capacity Building Training
    Academy of International Education Professionals
    • To operate a curriculum to train international education exchange experts,including overseas education trends, glocal, multiculturalism, etc.
    • Consultants for international education exchange programs
    • Mentors to share international education exchange experiences