
    인천, 동아시아와 세계를 잇다!

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    Multilingual Education

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    • Plans for 2024
    • Multilingual Education

    Multilingual Education

    Multilingual Education graph
    3-1 Permanent One-on-one Foreign Language Instruction Programs
    Permanent One-on-one Foreign Language Instruction Program
    • Student driven foreign language education
    • Live online classes and global cultural immersion activities (12 weeks)
    Foreign Language Education Classrooms by Region
    • Collaborative foreign language education programs with local schools
    • To open foreign language classes
    • To share results of foreign language education programs all together
    3-2 Multilingual Camp to Close the Education Gap
    Reach for the World Camp
    • Operations for middle schoo1 students on five islands in the Yellow Sea
    • Experiential global citizenship education with native instructors usingEnglish
    3-3 Global Citizenship Experience Programs based on Multilingualism
    Global Citizen Camp
    • To raise awareness of global issues and study SDGs topics based on the curriculum
    • To experience various cultures and languages with international teachers
      Education by grade
      Elementary School Middle Schoo| High School
      • Multilingual education and global cultural experiences withinternational teachers
      • Exploration of the SDG topics
      • Global collaborative problem-based learning
      • Culture and language experiences with international teachers
      • SDG themed activities
      • Global collaborative problem-based learning
      • Elective course on the SDGs and advanced discussion
      • Online world tour with native instructors
    3-4 Career-aligned Multilingual Programs
    Global JOB School Multilingual Courses
    • Foreign language instruction with foreign instructors visiting schools
    • Career mentoring with native instructors
    Global JOB School Career Empowerment Course
    • Career camps with overseas schools (Australia)
    • Next generation global English camp (Jeju Nationallnstitute of InternationalEducation)
    • Career-linked international exchange
    • International employment capacity training
    3-5 AI Foreign Language Training System
    Development and Application of AI Foreign Language Learning Programs(English·Chinese·Japanese)
    • To develop AI foreign language learning programs
    • To operate mentoring programs using mentors from local societ
    Operation of AI Foreign Language Education supporters
    • To apply AI foreign language learning programs matched to elementary,middle, high school curriculum
    • To support the application of AI foreign language learning programs in eachschool
    • To share and evaluate results of AI foreign language learning programs allcollaboratively