
    인천, 동아시아와 세계를 잇다!

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    International Exchange Program

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    International Exchange Program

    International Exchange Program graph
    2-1 Student-Teacher International Exchange
    Student-Teacher International Exchange
    • Language immersion courses through experiential learning
    • Collaborative project activities between Incheon and overseas countries, and betweenstudent and faculty
    • Language and culture-based thematic international exchange semesters
    Grobal Youth Reunification Camp
    • Envisioning a future of peaceful reunification of Korea through visits to localreunification sites in Germany
    • Global youth project on reunification with European youth
    • In-person camp dates: 7.23.-7.31. 8 nights and 9 days
    2-2 International Exchange related to Career and Multilingualism
    Global Leader School
    • International exchange classes and global ambassadors
    • Getting to know Incheon more meaningfully
    • Online International Exchange Enrichment Courses
    • Media literacy training and making promotional materials
    • English-based online international exchange
    • For students in rural, underprivileged areas, and on islands.
    • English classes to empower international exchange
    • English Immersion Courses and Youth International Exchanges with overseas schools
    • Sharing performances and achievements
    International Organization Talent Camp
    • For middle and high school students interested in pursuing careers in internationalorganizations
    • Invited lectures by experts from national and international organizations, report andpresentation activity on the exploration of international organizations in Songdo
    • In-Person Camp Dates: 9.2.-9.27.5 times in total
    2-3 Supporting International Outreach Efforts
    Supporting International Exchanges between Incheon-Overseas School
    • To support exchange and matching between schools through institutions
    • To consult matching schools regarding preferences and placements
    • To share results of international exchange all together